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Parent voices matter to ensure schools serve the unique needs of all students with the goal of improving academic success. The Parent Petition was created under a 2017 revision to the Nevada Achievement School District (NV ASD) law to provide parents a meaningful lever of change at the school level. 


Please note: under the NV ASD regulations, petitions are only an option at eligible schools that are not in the bottom 5% or have a graduation rate under 60%. 




Parents are in the best position to decide which public school option best suits the needs and talents of their child.


Visit the CCSD magnet schools website for schools, specialties, and application information.

WAYS TO ENGAGE right now.

My child’s school is performing great.

  1. Support your child & the school.

  2. Participate in school-based activities to improve your child’s learning.

  3. Help other parents and students by being an active and engaged member of your community.


My child’s school is performing poorly.

  1. Ask questions to learn more about why.

  2. Attend parent-teacher meetings.

  3. Advocate for major changes at your school.

  4. Select a different school that meets the needs of your child.

  5. Join your School Organization Team (SOT) or PTA.

  6. Regularly check for district board and committee meetings.

I’m not sure how my child’s school is performing.

  1. Search your child’s school here.

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